Friday, April 30, 2010

2 Lambs For Qeqah Haziq

After many days of preparation, Haziq big day finally came and it was a blast. He was at his handsomest, the food was good and the weather was too. Family and close friends gathered having a great time celebrating my boy :)

The day before kenduri, mama & papa bwk gurls gi pilih kambing for qeqah Haziq Kuang Sg.Buloh. Diord so xcited sgt. Memandangkan we all dpt boy, so papa was decided to choose 2 lambs for this qeqah.

Kat kandang kambing. Sessi pemilihan bermula....

Kebanyakan kambing kat sini baka kacuk dan diimport from Australia.
Wah... kambing Haziq naik aeroplane.... hiks.

Sheep pun ada...

Sempat posing lagi dgn kambing yg terpilih...

Sheep ni we all pilih and buat roasted...

Yg ini pulak we all suh org tu wat kari...

Sesi pemyembelihan

My gurls siap gi tgk atuk ni sembelih kambing. Berani betul diorg ni. Mama pulak duduk jauh2. Bukan takut, tp x sampai hati...

Selamat dah.....

Masa melapah pun this 2 gurls interested gak...

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1 comment:

adlin linda said...

beraninya puteri2 tu tgk proses penyembelihan...'gulp'