Sunday, January 1, 2012

Gudbye memories... Welcome 2012

Wow!!! it's been 2 months not up-dating any stories @ my luvly blog!!!

Anyway, 2011 was a truly challenges + tests + tough year for me. The year that make me more matured as daughter to my parents, wifey to hubby & mommy to my cutest angels.

Even it's hard, i've still have sweetest memories to remembered in 20011. It starting where i've taken 2nd unpaid leave for a month in April to stay at Jakarta. Stay as monthly at home mom! Best sgt!!! Then, starting May, Alhamdulillah,my luvly husband back for good to KL and report at KLCC. So, kami anak beranak semakin dekat dgn papa... My kiddies la yg paling happy! Then in Oktober, i and husband got news that i'm confirm 4th pregnancy. hehehehe.... syukran....

I guess Allah has special plans for us making the most of 2011 and preparing us to be committed for our children in 2012.

For 2012, my main resolution is to be responsible for my children. I hope I will be strong to face all the challenges and tests in 2012. Amin...

Gudbye sadness.... Welcome happiness..

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1 comment:

Eliss said...

selamat tahun baru :)