We all just sempat singgah Istana Keraton Yogyakarta je. Nak g candi Borodur pun sempat. Next time kena datang lagi la. Datang betul2 untuk bercuti. hihihi....

The palace court, a grand and elegant masterpiece of Javanese architecture, lies in the center of the city. It was founded by Prince Mangkubumi in 1755. The prince was then called Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono I. He chose to build the palace between the Winongo river and the Code river.
jelesnye tgk gi jalan2.. sangat sronok ar..
besar dah Arissa ek.. Zara je nampak kecik lagi huhu KakLong lak nampak cam surut..
mummy, Arissa ni tinggi je, tp badannya kocik yo...
kak long dah nampak susut ke? kalau cakap kat die, mesti die perasan sbb die kata sendiri yg die dah kurus... huhuhu....
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