Friday, December 4, 2009

Baby @ 37 Weeks

In her ninth month she's 46cm (20.7in) long and probably still covered with greasy vernix, a lubricant during birth.

Your body
Your uterus may stay the same size as it's been for the last week or two. You probably won't have put on any more weight since last week, when you weighed between 9-13.5kg (20-30lb).
By the end of this week, your baby is 'full-term' (before the 38th week, she is classed as 'pre-term'; after 42 weeks, she's 'post-term').

M&B tip
Treat yourself to a hairdo, manicure and pedicure (you'll soon be able to see your toes again), so you look your best during labour and for those all-important family photo calls. Long nails aren't ideal for changing nappies, anyway.

How's your pelvis?
At your antenatal check-up this week, your doctor may examine your pelvis to check whether your cervix is dilating (opening) and effacing (thinning out) in preparation for labour. Before labour starts, the cervix is thick (0 per cent effaced). During labour, it thins out - this is called effacement. Just before delivery, when you are ready to push, it is 100 per cent effaced.

Before you can give birth, your cervix needs to be fully dilated: 10cm (4in) in diameter. At this stage of pregnancy, it may be closed (0cm dilated) or open a small amount, such as 1cm (0.4in). During labour, the contractions make the cervix stretch and open so there's enough room for the baby to move down it.

Your baby
Your baby now weighs about 3kg (6.5lb) and measures 35cm (14in) from crown to rump; her total length is about 47cm (21in).

Head down?
If you're lucky, your baby will be lying head down (called cephalic or vertex on your medical notes) in the uterus and will be partly engaged (ready to move further down and out). If your doctor suspects that she is breech (bottom or legs first), you may have an ultrasound scan to confirm this. This used to mean your only option was a Caesarean, but now some doctors will let you try for a vaginal delivery, especially if you've already had one or more normal deliveries.

Turn, baby, turn!
If your baby is breech and you are keen to have a vaginal delivery, your doctor may suggest trying to turn her into a head down presentation by gentle manipulation. Don't try to do this yourself: it should only be attempted by a doctor who is practised at the technique.

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ibu wawa said...

berdebar2 rasanya hati... tak sabar nak tunggu kelahiran baby mamazana...

MamaZana Baharum said...

berdebar2 sangat kak...